Timeline and protocol launch

The protocol has been in stealth for about two years. We spent a lot of time researching and developing the right models to allow us to generate delta neutral farming positions when providing liquidity. Initially targeting Spot AMM Dexes that used the Uniswap V2 (one curve), when concentrated liquidity Uniswap V3 model was announced we agreed that this will be the model we should be focussing on, and continued working on our algorithms to produce delta neutral yield farming.

We also decided to integrate with GMX for our launch vaults, as we believe Perp Market Making is, with AMM spot, the other biggest use case for Defi liquidity. By integrating with both Uniswap V3 and GMX, we are covering the lion's share of liquidity ion Defi, at least for the short term.

We are happy to announce that the protocol is ready for launch. The launch will be composed of Three phases.

Phase 1 - Initial Staking Offering: We will open Rumi Prime's single staking module and reward early investors with Rumi tokens in exchange of their initially liquidity. In this phase, we will use the liquidity to generate yield in AAVE. This will allow us to continue bootstrapping the protocol and not relay on VC funding. More on Phase 1 visit HERE

Phase 2 - Full Protocol launch: After some time, we will be launching the Automated Vaults and allow early users to be able to invest in our delta Neutral UniV3 and GMX strategies.

Phase 3 - TGE Rumi Token launch: With the market conditions allowing, we will launch the Rumi Token on a fairly basis and start the transition to a fully functioning Rumi DAO

Last updated