Operational Management

Ops management in our platform involves the following components:

Use of Multisigs: We have integrated Gnsois Safe Mutlisig into our platform, this allows us to manage the smart contract governance and the deposits into our vaults with Mutlisig Technology where transactions have to be initiated by one party and approved and executed by other team members avoiding a point of breach and allowing funds to be safely managed.

Reporting and Performance Management: We have built a reporting layer where NAVs, ROIs, PnLs of the overall portfolio and the individual investors are being recorded, calculated and tracked in real time. This involves aggregating and recording historical data on positions so that we can report and track real time performance. We are using a mixture of technologies from a tailored backend off chain solution to the use of Subgraphs.

Smart Contract Security: Our smart contracts are audited by Hacken and monitored constantly with services like Tenderly so that we can have alerting and logging capabilities that allows us to take actions in case of an incident.

Risk Management: We have built the tools necessary to collect historical data and offer a complete solution for risk management around every investment product.

Alerting system: We have built our alerting system on top of PagerDuty which allows us and institutional clients to have real time alerting and incident management. The alerting system is connected to our risk framework which allows investors to manage risk in real time.

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