Strategy Optimization tooling

Rumi Finance uses an extensive range of optimization tools to enhance the performance of its yield strategies, manage risk, and achieve superior returns. These tools enable the platform to maintain optimal levels of leverage, minimize impermanent loss, and provide efficient liquidity provisioning. Below is a detailed overview of the key optimization tools employed by Rumi Finance:

Automated Leverage Management: Rumi Finance employs keeper bots to manage leverage ratios for all strategies. The platform's quant team determines optimal leverage levels for each strategy, based on their in-depth analysis of market conditions, risk profiles, and underlying assets. The automated system ensures that leverage stays within these predetermined levels through regular rebalancing, minimizing the risk of liquidations and maintaining a consistent risk-reward profile for investors.

Automated Liquidity Range Optimization: To improve capital efficiency and reduce impermanent loss, Rumi Finance has developed an automated range liquidity management solution for Uniswap V3. This innovative tool uses proprietary algorithms to predict optimal liquidity ranges for pool pairs based on historical data, market volatility, and other factors. An automated rebalancing system manages range positions, adjusting them in response to market movements to maximize APR while hedging against impermanent loss. This allows Rumi Finance to provide its users with efficient and high-performing yield strategies in the rapidly evolving DeFi landscape.

For more information on Uniswap V3

Impermanent Loss Hedging: Rumi Finance addresses the challenge of impermanent loss by using leverage from Prime to create a hedging mechanism. This involves taking short positions on the volatile asset in the liquidity pair to hedge against price movements. The platform's quant team has developed an algorithm that determines the levels of price movements at which positions need to be rebalanced to maintain the delta hedge. Rumi Finance's keeper bot performs these rebalances when needed, ensuring that the strategy continues to perform optimally while minimizing impermanent loss for investors.

Optimal Portfolio Allocation: One of the key innovations at Rumi Finance is the ability to create Portfolio Vaults containing multiple automated strategies combined. Our quant team designs these Portfolio Vaults using a risk parity approach, aiming to maximize the Sharpe ratio of the combined strategies. This is achieved by optimizing the allocation of each strategy within the portfolio based on factors such as historical performance, asset correlations, and volatility.

Investing in a Portfolio Vault offers several advantages to users:

  • Higher Risk-Adjusted Returns: A higher Sharpe ratio implies that investors achieve higher returns per unit of risk taken, leading to more consistent returns in the long term.

  • Diversification: Portfolio Vaults provide a better diversification tool as they smooth out volatility in the APR and potential issues in one particular pool. By spreading investments across multiple strategies, users can reduce the impact of underperformance in any single strategy.

  • Time Efficiency: Investing in a Portfolio Vault reduces the time and effort required for users to research, select, and manage individual strategies. Instead, they can rely on Rumi Finance's expertise to combine and manage the strategies effectively.

  • Adaptability: Rumi Finance rebalances the portfolio allocation every quarter or if there has been a significant allocation drift (+/- 30%). This ensures that the Portfolio Vaults remain optimized and responsive to changing market conditions.

  • Personalization: In the future, Rumi Finance plans to introduce Portfolio Vaults that combine different strategy categories, catering to a wider range of user preferences and risk tolerances.

Future roadmap for optimization tools: Our team has a roadmap for developing additional optimization tools. Some of the tools we are researching are:

  • Dynamic Risk Profiling: tool that periodically assesses the risk tolerance of users based on their investment goals, time horizons, and other factors. This would enable Rumi Finance to provide personalized strategy recommendations tailored to each user's unique risk preferences.

  • Advanced Stop-Loss/Take Profit Mechanisms: advanced stop-loss and take-profit features to help users automatically lock in gains or minimize losses during extreme market movements. This can provide an additional layer of risk management and enable users to better control their investment outcomes.

  • Sentiment Analysis: sentiment analysis tools that monitor social media and news sources to gauge market sentiment and predict potential price movements. This information could be used to inform strategy adjustments and improve decision-making.

  • Gas Fee Optimization: Develop a tool that helps minimize gas fees by recommending the optimal time to execute transactions and rebalances, based on factors such as network congestion and gas prices.

  • Machine Learning-Based Strategy Improvement: Use machine learning algorithms to continuously analyze the performance of various strategies and refine them based on real-time market data. This could help improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of Rumi Finance's yield strategies.

  • Customizable Alerts: Offer users the ability to set up customizable alerts based on specific events or performance metrics, such as yield changes, market movements, or changes in asset allocation. This would enable users to stay informed and make timely adjustments to their strategies as needed.

  • Account Extraction: tool that allows users to automatically extract and analyze their crypto investment history across multiple platforms and wallets, giving them a comprehensive view of their portfolio and making it easier to track and optimize their investments.

Last updated