Hedge vault examples

Hedge vaults are can create extremely sophisticated decentralized financial products that compete with the capabilities of centralised exchanges and funds. These are examples, see the next page to explore live vaults on Rumi:

  • Prime Lending: passive yield generation on single asset vaults (USDC, USDT, ETH, BTC, ARB).

  • Leveraged delta-neutral liquidity mining: obtain yield on USD from Uniswap and GMX while hedging impermanent loss.

  • Leveraged delta 1x liquidity mining: earn yield on protocols like Uniswap and GMX while maintaining a 1x delta exposure to your favourite Asset (ETH, BTC, ARB)

  • Principal protected investments: invest in staked ETH and enhance your returns by investing the staking yield into advanced 0DTE option strategies, so as to shield your principal invested ETH from risk.

  • Dual investment strategies: generate premiums by selling options, e.g. buying low volatile tokens by selling puts using stablecoins, or selling high by selling covered calls using volatile tokens such as ETH or BTC

  • Option flywheel (Buy the dip) strategies: automated vaults that allow investors to accumulate their favourite token (e.g. ETH, BTC) while earning premium generated by selling options.

  • Leveraged staking: increase exposure to ETH (re-)staking yield using leverage.

  • Leveraged longs / shorts: on-chain Long / shorts with leverage (2, 3 x) exposure to multiple assets (e.g. ETH, BTC, ARB) and built-in automated rebalancing to profit from periods of high volatility, without risking liquidation thanks to our automatic rebalancing bot.

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